DBI students who had been financially impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak accessed emergency funding through the Cares Act, Coronavirus response and relief supplemental appropriations act (CRRSAA) 2021 and supplemental grant under the American rescue plan (ARP) act of 2021. Funding was provided through the DBI’s Financial Aid office to assist students with expenses related to disruptions to their education due to the pandemic. Funds were awarded to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus, such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and childcare expenses.
All Pell eligible in school students and all in school students that would have been eligible for PELL funds except they have used their maximum six years of eligibility, received an amount of $915.65, $865.48 and $505.06 under Cares Act, CRRSAA and ARP respectively. All other Non-Pell eligible students but financial aid eligible students received an amount of $500, $500.07 and $249.98 under the Cares Act, CRRSAA and ARP grants respectively. An award was awarded to the students in the School management system to be accepted for the above listed amounts after they had provided information in the google form filled by them demonstrating their need for these funds.
All students from the Oct 2020 cohort who were Pell eligible and all Oct 2020 cohort students that would have been eligible for PELL funds except they have used their maximum six years of eligibility, further received an amount of $76.56 and Non-Pell eligible students received $35.01 from the left over funds from the CARES Act passed by congress on 27th March 2020.
Students receiving these funds met the eligibility criteria in Section 484 of the Title IV Higher Education Act. Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the only way to determine if a student meets the Section 484 requirements is for a FAFSA to be filed. The students completed a valid FAFSA application for the fiscal award year 2019-2020 / 2020-2021 as applicable on their financial aid student file. All students selected for the Cares Act, CRRSAA and ARP Act emergency relief funding were Title IV Financial AID eligible and were students of DBI enrolled at least half time at the time of disbursement of allocated $55776 Cares Act, $61,353 CRRSAA and $35,954 ARP student funds.
The Institution portion of the allocated Cares Act funds provided under CFDA:84:425F Institution aid portion in the amount of $55776 were utilized in the fiscal year 2020 and 2021 to partially offset the additional cost burden the institution had to bear in order to facilitate the student learning during the pandemic.
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund- IHEs(CFDA:84:425E) And IHEs(CFDA:84:425F)
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act was passed by Congress and signed into law to provide economic relief from COVID-19. One section of the CARES act established the Higher Education Emergency Relief fund and sent money to schools to use for emergency financial aid grants to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the pandemic.
Detroit Business Institute – Downriver (DBI) had signed and returned to the Department the Certification and Agreement and the assurance that DBI will use no less than 50% of the funds received to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students.
CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund- IHEs(CFDA:84:425E) – Student Aid Portion
DBI received $55,776.00 for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to disburse to students. And had estimated that 65 students may be eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and thus eligible to receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students under Section 18004 (a)(1) of the CARES Act.
In order to receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants and using guidance from the Department of Education that limits who/what qualifies for a grant, students were asked to complete a google form application that was shared in their google classroom. Once submitted, it was reviewed to verify whether the student qualified and, if so, then a check was sent on the mailing address provided on their forms.
DBI Student CARES Funds Under CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund- IHEs (CFDA:84:425E) Distribution Report
DBI had received $55,776.00 for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to disburse to students. In the financial year 2020 the total amount of funds that were distributed to students was $53,945.10 who demonstrated the need and eligibility for these funds as per the criteria and guidelines laid out. The disbursement details quarter wise is listed below
2nd Quarter (Apr-Jun) 2020
3rd Quarter (July-Sept) 2020
4th Quarter (Oct-Dec) 2020
During this quarter a total of $53945.10 amount was distributed among 63 students. There were 54 Pell eligible students who received an amount $915.65 each totaling an amount equal to $49445.10. There was a total of 9 Non-Pell eligible students who received an amount of $500 each totaling $4500.00
CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund- IHEs(CFDA:84:425F) – Institutional Aid Portion
DBI had received $55,776.00 for Emergency Financial Aid Grants for the institutional aid portion. The institution used these supplemental grant funds for Recipient’s Institutional Costs to partially defray expenses associated with coronavirus pandemic.
CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund- IHEs(CFDA:84:425F) – Distribution Report
DBI had received $55,776.00 for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to be used to offset the increase in cost related to coronavirus pandemic. The institution used $22588.66 during the fiscal year 2020 and $33187.34 during the fiscal year 2021 to partially offset the additional cost burden the institution had to bear in order to facilitate the student learning during the pandemic.
CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund- IHEs(CFDA:84:425Q)
DBI received $61,353.00 for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to disburse to students under Award number P425Q211157 on 04/18/2021 under authority of
PL 116-260 III Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 with program title “Education Stabilization Fund” With CFDA/ Subprogram No 84.425Q |
DBI further received $35,594.00 for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to disburse to students under Award number P425Q211157–21A on 08/10/2021. The grant funds awarded herein pursuant to section 2003 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) (Pub. L. 117-2) are governed by section 2003 of the ARP and section 314 of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA) (Pub. L. 116-260) with program title “Education Stabilization Fund” With CFDA/ Subprogram No 84.425Q
CRRSAA And ARP (Distribution)
DBI had received $96947.00 for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to disburse to the students under CRRSAA and ARP acts. Additionally, there were leftover funds in the amount of $1830.90 from the CARES Act passed by congress on 27th March 2020. This made the total available funds to $98,777.90 In the financial year 2021 the total amount of funds that were distributed to students was $94,666.25 who demonstrated the need and eligibility for these funds as per the criteria and guidelines laid out. The disbursement details quarter wise is listed below
1st Quarter (Jan-Mar) 2021
2nd Quarter (Apr-Jun) 2021
3rd Quarter (July-Sept) 2021
4th Quarter (Oct-Dec) 2021
During this quarter a total of $94,666.25 amount was distributed among 70 students. There were 65 Pell eligible students who received an amount $865.48 each for CRRSAA totaling an amount equal to $56,256.20 and $505.06 each for ARP totaling an amount equal to $32,828.90 There were a total of 5 Non-Pell eligible students who received an amount of $500.07 each for CRRSAA totaling an amount equal to $2500.35 and $249.98 each for ARP totaling an amount equal to $1249.90
Further 23 in school students from the May 2020 & Oct 2020 cohort who were Pell eligible and all May 2020 & Oct 2020 cohort students those would have been eligible for PELL funds except they have used their maximum six years of eligibility, further received an amount of $76.56 each totaling $1760.88. Two Non-Pell eligible students received $35.01 each totaling $70.02 from the left over funds from the CARES Act passed by congress on 27th March 2020. All leftover funds in the amount of $1830.90 were used in 2021.